About Us

We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Services

Welcome to Dr Tanveer Ahmed Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic, the best Skin & Hair clinic, where our main aim is to build relationships among people. Patient safety and care are our priorities. We help the patient to get beautiful skin according to their choice. 

Well-equipped clinic with the full range of Advanced Lasers (Q switched Nd Yag Laser, IPL, CO2 fractional laser) for skin pigmentation(Melasma, nevus of Ota, Freckles), excess hair growth on the body, acne scar and tattoo removal. Dr Tanveer Ahmed’s clinic is the most trusted Skincare & Haircare clinic which offers a wide range of clinical and aesthetic services with advanced management for skin and hair-related conditions and sexually transmitted infections. The examination rooms may be equipped with medical instruments and technology, such as a dermatoscopy or a skin microscope, to help the dermatologist diagnose and treat skin conditions.

Our clinic is the most trusted in the city where we ensure the quality management of skin-related and hair-related problems. The clinic environment is professional and welcoming for patients and maintains high standards of cleanliness and hygiene to prevent the spread of infection. The clinic may also have a friendly and helpful staff to assist patients with scheduling appointments, filling out paperwork, and answering any questions they have about the disease.

For hair loss clinic offers advanced procedures like PRP therapy(Platelet-rich plasma therapy), Grofactors and Hair transplant surgeries.

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